Friday, November 21, 2008

Words for Everything


So today I changed my blog name to this title. I welcome the old title back. Words for Everything, because it is subtle and embraces the idea of unlimited thought.

English is not my native tongue but learning it is like recursively punching an inches thick slab of wood until my wrist goes through. A violent yet gradual effort involves containing my emotions and my mood dancing with my own heartbeat. I can challenge the language but I'm proud because not very few people can do with mine. The pain really is conveying an idea from my own thought of language and translate them to English. I have to penetrate a mind of an English.

This might also be a response to Gladys' post on naming your web site or a blog name in particular. Indeed, choosing the right site name is one difficult task to be able to start something in the web. My name as the web-site address and Words for Everything as my blog name. What's left not to be understood. It’ll usually take few minutes of thinking before I can come up with something. Regardless of how long your title address might be, it should be something you will be comfortable the whole time if it's intended for blogging. And, best should describe your thinking and that of your audiences or readers.

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