Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Coming Christmas Musing

Oh well, Christmas is fast approaching. For an OFW, the season of emphasized loneliness. The season is like a day when the clouds are cleared to expose a sky of a clandestine blue. It's just you in the constellation of loneliness. This is what I feel and been expecting unless the season is feasted with my two small daughters and my wife; and among family members - back home.

davao-christmas-treeIt's sometimes sickening because there have been too many discussions about the coming season - it's the most talked about topic in this time of the month. With all these days' fears and tribulations of both economic and socio political. Worsened by recession resulting to rampant lay-offs. There'd be not much food in the table during the Christmas season.

And as far as I want to speak something out of the expected Christmas spirit, it weakens me. But, there is an urging willingness to discover the strength to be out of the blue; appreciate the warmth of others who has probably thought of this same thought; to be content and be  able to count the blessings received during our days.


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