Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lone Again…

Today has come that I once again a lone wanderer in these vast wilderness of unemployment. But, I shall never despair for I got talents left to keep me and my beloved through these last cold nights of winter. Most importantly, the Lord Jesus, to keep us good in our retire of the nights - under these watchful heavens. A hope, that tomorrow He will again, deliver us to a better sustenance. And finally, bring us to the 200 square meter promised land so we could grow our own gardens and fend to our selves the fruits thereof.


ghee said...

that`s too bad to know...hope all is well with you and i wish you a successful new year!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that's the rough road all the way ahead for a freelancer like me, Ghee.. hehehe! That's why I got to hit hard on something every time.

Unknown said...

all of us who have a family will always experience the ups and downs that the world has to offer. its just the way it is.
good thing though, we are all looking forward for a better year.
here's to us, and all the luck we need to survive this year.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne, I deeply appreciate the tact. Thank you. Agree that we may just have to look at things differently with little optimism that every stumbling blocks in our lives will be just a temporary setbacks that can be easily be put to ground. Us, will be immovable because we believe we are a strong person side-by-side with loved ones.

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