Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Gift Wrappings


P1080162This post is for Ms. Theta, my manita.

Okay! I am not that good at gift wrappings but I did anyway. Well, my father helped me so that it becomes more like an industrial package now. See the picture. :-) There's something soft inside I can not tell you - it's classified until ten PM this evening.

The bare skin shown off. The industrial adhesives taped around the box makes it looks scary. It looks like a bomb bare skin so we need a fancy Christmas wrapper to make it nice. And it's bulging too. Don't be fooled. The angle taken for this picture just makes it looks like it's big but it's not.

P1080163Funny thing is, there aren't any grocery stores selling Christmas gift wrappers so I opt to use the Birthday gift paper instead. If there's a list of anything 'hard to buy' in Dubai. A Christmas gift wrapper should qualify to the list. LOL! Not one grocery store is selling the stuff - Shuhada! Mosquel Kabir!

Well, I am not that good at gift wrappings but, Voila! Done in less than an hour. LOL! Company party is in two hours. What's inside? That is for Ms. Theta to find out. I hope she'll like what's inside more than what she can see here.


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