Saturday, January 17, 2009

Always A Man's Best Friend

I missed having a dog around. If I ever going to have a dog, I'm going to name him ZAM or DOPE if it's male, DUCHES if it's a female. A dog is expensive to have around here in Dubai, especially if you are in a busy working schedule.

The best dog we had was in my high school years. We named him BOGOY after displays of canine misconducts when we fetch him from a neighbor because his mother was ran over by a truck and died. Born from a distant hound descent, he suffered nervous breakdown and had a deformed ears lobes. He hated it during Christmas and new years eve because of firecrackers. He so petrified with it that he always have teary eyes. So we hide him inside the bathroom with a thick cloth on his head.

He was the best dog my family had. When he grew up, he was not that playful canine but he understands human emotions best. He used to hang over his head on somebody's lap or feet when he senses sadness or depressions on people.

One summer day, he was sick. He died lying on my lap several hours later. He was eight years old. My two siblings were around him that day - a loss of a family friend. We buried him in my grandmother's lawn backyard.

(Image links to


icedgurl said...
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icedgurl said...

hi james!! that's my dog... she's lyka... :-) i also miss having a dog. andun kasi sa davao lahat ng aso ko.. hehehehe

AJ said...

Lyka.. Russian female dog sent to space.. never came back because they didn't know how to bring the space craft back home. Kawawa.. :D

Jan said...

It's a pity impractical for you to have a dog where you work now. But at least you have a blog. :)

AJ said...

Hi Jan, indeed it is. I promised myself to delight of having one when I get home - for good. Hehehe. And yes, blog, I don't want to think of it as 'alagain'. :D Just as I said before, anything like blogging should be a delight not a chore.

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