Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pee Independence

So what is the earliest memory you have of your childhood?

Looking back at those years when I was frail and subject to bullies of everything, I could not help but sigh to my recalled childhood. How I've overcome those obstacles and now had to face certain ones still coming my way.

REDBEDSHEET_2 I smiled at the thought of recalling how my father had to teach me pee on my own when I was little. I was three or four probably. He had to bring me backside of the house that day to teach a strange lesson as far as I can recollect  of my toddling years. I remember, the ground was dry; almost gray with dusts. Nearby, I remember a pile nor dump of  parched timbers forgotten by either laziness or the loneliness of times. I can still recall the smell of both the rotten woods and the dusty ground dried out after several weeks of summer season. It is windy in that place that is why probably I would still remember how a dried out sea grass washed ashore would smell under the sun. Breeze from the beach usually is blown towards inland.

Papa, stood beside me and wiggle his armada to show me how peeing is done - on my own. I explored and tweaked this little part of me and let go of the feeling to shower on the same direction and the same point where my father just did. I remember the dusty ground would then bubble and the ants chaosed over our deed.

Such intimate routine, an activity I learned, always leaves a feeling that this is one thing in the world you would never sell. The next several times my father brought me there, I remember it more like a game because I wonder why he always has to pee longer than I had to.

The earliest memory so far as I can remember it - my odd lesson learned during my childhood. Do you have any odd lesson experience somewhat similar to mine?

1 comment:

icedgurl said...

musta james???? :-) thanks sa comment.. hehehe

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